Монгол дахь Австралийн тэтгэлэгт хөтөлбөр нь олон салбараас өргөдөл хүлээн авдаг хэдий ч дараах чиглэлүүдийг
тэргүүлэх салбарууд гэж үзнэ:
• Хөдөө аж ахуй, байгаль орчин, уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлт болон байгалийн ухааны салбар
• Соёл судлал, үүнд урлаг болон хүмүүнлэгийн салбар
• Боловсрол, үүнд Англи хэлийг хоёрдогч хэл болгон сургах
• Эрүүл мэнд
• Төрийн удирдлага, үүнд менежмент, нийгмийн хамгаалал, эрх зүй
• Нийгмийн шинжлэх ухаан
• Шинжлэх ухаан, инженерчлэл, математик, технологи судлал (ШИМТ)
How are Australia Awards candidates selected?
Applicants are assessed for their professional and personal qualities, academic competence and, most importantly, their potential to impact on development challenges in Mongolia.
Validation checks
Once applications close in OASIS, each application is checked for eligibility, and that all documents are provided and are valid.
Technical assessment
Eligible applications are assessed and ranked by independent specialist consultants.
Eligible applicants who meet the Government of Mongolia and Government of Australia priorities and best demonstrate clear and realistic development outcomes for Mongolia from their studies, are short-listed and may be invited for an interview.
Interview recommendation
Short-listed candidates are invited for a panel interview. The selection panel recommends those candidates who best meet the selection criteria and demonstrate the best ideas to contribute to ongoing development in Mongolia.
Australia Award offer
Before nominated candidates are offered an Australia Awards Scholarship, they must have confirmed university places and meet all visa requirements to study in Australia. Australia Awards-Mongolia will assist candidates with all steps related to an Australia Awards Scholarship offer, university placement, and provide guidance on applying for a student visa.