Welcome Back Event
Нийтэлсэн: 2017-01-30
A Welcome Back event was organized for graduates who completed their Master’s degrees at Australian universities in 2016. Fourteen graduates attended together with an employer representative from the Civil Aviation Authority. Representatives from the Governments of Australia and Mongolia congratulated the graduates and wished them success in their future work in contributing to development of Mongolia.
Mr. Shayne McKenna, First Secretary (Political) at the Australian Embassy congratulated graduates on successfully completing their studies and returning to Mongolia to contribute to its development. He briefed the meeting on the establishment of the Australia’s Embassy in Mongolia, priority areas for Australia’s aid to Mongolia and the support provided to Mongolia’s extractive sector, human resource development and gender equality. He explained the temporary pause of Awards in Mongolia and the recommencement of Scholarship promotions for next year’s intake. He provided information about the Global Alumni Network, Mozzies and Women’s Leadership Program and encouraged graduates to become part of these opportunities.
Mr Bulgantamir from the Ministry of Finance congratulated the graduates and highlighted the importance of the Program in strengthening human resource capacity in Mongolia and expanding bilateral relationships between the two countries. He also noted the critical mass of graduates working in the Ministry of Finance and their contribution to sector development of the country. He encouraged the graduates to apply the knowledge and skills from their studies.
Three graduates who specialized in Geoscience, Aviation Management and Finance presented on their Australian experiences, especially the courses they found important and useful, academic environment, facilities and teaching approach, research, cultures and their plans to contribute to their sectors in Mongolia.